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How to Befriend Chinese Students: Tips for New Warwick Students

Congratulations and welcome! You have worked incredibly hard, and you totally deserve to be here. As you may already know, Warwick has an enormous population of Chinese students. Some of you must be eager to make some new Chinese friends. Therefore, Warwick China Watch presents you with pro tips just for that!

There is really only one rule when it comes to making friends with Chinese students: Do Not Criticise the Chinese Government. Unlike here in the UK where few people take criticisms of political leaders and parties too personally, Chinese students tend to consider any criticism towards the Chinese government or the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as personal attacks on them. When you mention that policy X or Y of the CCP failed miserably, what they hear you say is that you hate them and that you would use whatever arguments to mock all Chinese people to undermine their confidence in an attempt to stop the pursuit of a better life for all Chinese people.

If you happen to be white, that’s bad news for you: you need to be extra careful to make Chinese friends. The West, in general, has been depicted as the enemy of the Chinese people in the heavily censored Chinese media environment, and the stereotypical image in their minds is white bullies belittling Chinese guys. They expect you guys to be condescending, pretentious, and hypocritical, increasing the chance of misunderstanding whatever you say as mockery.

But what if you don’t want to shut up about some “sensitive” topics? Well, good luck. While there are Chinese students you can still be friends with without self-censorship, they are not the majority. We at Warwick China Watch advise you to lower your expectations if that is the case.

To conclude, it really isn’t that difficult to make Chinese friends. All you need to do is to not criticise the Chinese government. If you want to boost your success rate, sing some praises like how the CCP “lifted millions of people out of poverty” even though the CCP destroyed the Chinese economy in the first place during the first 30 years of rule. But if you are unwilling to give up your principles, we at Warwick China Watch can only wish you the best of luck.

Scan the QR code (work in progress) to check out more articles helping you understand Chinese students at Warwick.

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虽然不清楚在华威的中国留学生有多少人为今年(2024)初日本人民受灾拍手叫好,但作者认为还是有必要帮大家简单分析一下中国人的反日情绪。 对日态度大致可以分成以下几种: 第一种认为日本人死了话该:日本人应该为侵华战争负责——日本人还没有为所有中方认定的战争罪行道歉——日本人依...



2 Σχόλια

Kevin Wang
Kevin Wang
02 Οκτ 2023

lol, how is this offensive in anyway? Stop being a twat and enjoy you time here

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30 Σεπ 2023

Today I’m here as an interenational student, as well a Chinese student, strongly critisize and censure the author of this rediculars article.

Firstly, I really want to ask you a simple question to the author: what is exactly stereotype? As the author mentioned, THEY EXPECT YOU GUYS TO BE CONDESCENDING, PRETENTIOUS, AND HYPOCRITICAL. Where do you find this conclusion? Have you ever initiate a social investigation which indicate that the mojority of Chinese students have prejudice on people from other races? If you have done that, please show me your statics. So if you cannot provide such evidence, please take back your preconception of Chinese.

I admit that politics is a sensitive topic in China. But do you…

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